As a full-time educator and designer, I advise students, serve on serveral college committees, and mentor students in the design community.

The One Club Creative Bootcamp Mentor

Sapient-Nitro Advertising Agency – Coconut Grove, FL
May 2017

Mentor multicultural students from diverse backgrounds as they participate in a project collaboration between The One Club, Sapient-Nitro, and Verizon Wireless. During the four-day boot camp participants are introduced into the industry, learn about the creative process as it applies to market research and how to create and present a campaign for a real client. Students created a multi-level advertising campaign for Verizon Wireless targeted at the millennial generation.

AIGA Portfolio Reviewer

AIGA Jax – Jacksonville, FL
April  2014, 2015, 2016, 2017

Provide portfolio feedback and art direction to students from colleges and universities from the north Florida region including UF, UCF, JU, SCAD, and Flagler College.

Marketing and Promotions Division Gold Book Judge

Association of Directory Publishers – St. Augustine, FL
April 2013

Evaluate advertisements and determine award recipients within various publishing categories.

Portfolio Review with Employers

Flagler College – St. Augustine, FL
2008 – Present

Organize on-campus Graphic Design portfolio reviews with local industry professionals, recruiters, and art and design faculty. Students have the opportunity to present their work and receive feedback prior to completing their final portfolios. Several students were offered employment as a result of participating in this event.

Sustainability Committee Member

Flagler College – St. Augustine, FL
2013 – 2014

Act as a communication channel for interdisciplinary academic program efforts that focus on sustainability and coordinate interdepartmental (e.g. campus planning, facilities management, and academic programming) efforts to enhance sustainability as appropriate. Coordinate student citizenship efforts within Keystone/Learning Community courses to facilitate sustainability projects on campus and in the broader community. Review, take inventory and formally record campus-wide accomplishments and policies that enhance sustainability. Evaluate campus-wide sustainability accomplishments with regard to achieving appropriate rating systems, such as the U.S. Green Building Council’s STARS program. Communicate the results of sustainability efforts both on campus and within the larger community. Serve in an advisory capacity to professors wishing to incorporate sustainability into their courses.

Service-Learning and Internship Committee Member

Flagler College – St. Augustine, FL
2011– 2012

Define what service learning is on our campus. Conduct research on service learning activities by Flagler College faculty and by other institutions of higher education. Draft a set of policies and procedures for faculty members to follow while conducting off-campus learning activities required for course credit. Review Flagler College’s Foundations of Excellence study results at the end of the 2011-2012 school year in order to shape and discuss plans for implementing service-learning courses at Flagler College in the future.

Distance Learning Sub-Committee Member

Flagler College – St. Augustine, FL
2011 – 2012

Explore best practices for online learning environments. Discuss and develop a series of workshops designed to teach faculty how to facilitate coursework in an online environment.